Granovit - Ranger Wildparkfutter
Complet food for ranger deer park pellet.
As low as CHF 30.25
- Fiber-rich pellet suitable for many herbivores.
- Easily fermentable fibre for browsers by apple pomace and beet pulp.
- Little grain and therefore low starch content.
- Protein content adapted to the mostly lower protein content of European alfalfa.
- Copper-supplemented for the higher demand of deer (total content in the feed approx. 30ppm).
- Organic selenium for an optimal supplementation for animals fed on selenium-poor soils.
- Contains organic sources of zinc and manganese
- High levels of vitamin E.
- Linseed products for natural omega-3 fatty acids.
- Bicarbonate for the prevention of ruminal acidosis (0.8%).
- Thanks to vitamin, mineral and trace element supplementation, no additional supplementary food is required with suitable ration composition.
- Without any palm oil and soy products.
Sunflower extraction meal, lucerne meal, apple pomace, wheat bran, beet pulp, linseed products, wheat, rapseed extraction meal, oat husks, straw meal, vitamin and mineral premix including bicarbonate, molasses, potato protein
Major nutrients(%):
Dry matter 88, Crude protein 18, Crude fat 3, Crude fiber 19, Crude ash 9, NfE 39, NDF 36, ADF 24, Starch 5, Sugar 4.
Unsere Fütterungsempfehlung
- Das Futter eignet sich zur Ergänzung einer Ration bei Weidehaltung und/oder auf Raufutterbasis (je nach Tierart Luzerneheu, Grasheu, Laub, etc.)
- Richtwert: 0.5-1.5% vom Körpergewicht pro Tag plus Raufutter zur freien Verfügung
- Wasser immer zur freien Verfügung stellen
- Wegen des hohen Kupfergehalts für Schafe und Neuweltkameliden nicht geeignet
- Max. 50% der Trockensubstanz Aufnahme
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