Granovit - Grazer Cu-controlled
Complet food for grazer Sheep, llama, alpaca.
As low as CHF 41.25
- Copper content of around 9 ppm, especially for copper sensitive herbivores.Each batch is analyzed for copper content
- Without any soybean and palmoil products.
- Balanced fiber composition, especially suitable for grazers.
- Protein content adapted to the lower needs of grazers.
- Little cereals and thus lower starch
- High levels of vitamin E.
- High content of biotin
- Contains organic selenium, zinc and manganese sources
- No mineral iron is substituted.
- Linseed products for natural omega-3-fatty acids.
- Contains bicarbonate (1%).
- With an appropriate ration composition there is no need of additional supplements thanks to adequate vitamin- and mineral supplementation.
Green meal, lucerne meal, apple pomace, straw meal, oat husks, linseed products, vitamin and mineral premix incl. bicarbonate, cellulose, wheat, molasses, sunflower extraction meal, potato protein
Major nutrients (%):
Dry matter 89, Crude protein 12, Crude fat 3, Crude fiber 23, Crude ash 12, NFE 40, NDF 39, ADF 26, Starch 4, Sugar 6.
Unsere Fütterungsempfehlung
- Das Futter eignet sich zur Ergänzung einer Ration auf Raufutterbasis (je nach Spezies Gras-Luzerneheu, Laub etc.)
- Ration auf mehrere Portionen verteilt anbieten um Schlundverstopfungen vorzubeugen
- Wasser immer zur freien Verfügung stellen
- Richtwert: 0.5-1.5% vom Körpergewicht pro Tag plus Heu zur freien Verfügung
- Max. 50% der Trockensubstanz der Gesamtration
- Wegen des geringen Kupfergehalts für Hirsche nicht geeignet
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